Knack Cordial Folk Group (Hong Kong)
//這一系列演出以匈牙利民族大使樂團 (Hungarian FolkEmbassy) 和民俗歌手Júlia Kubinyi為主體,演出包含港、台、印三地各一場歌唱音樂會 (在雅加達另有舞蹈教學及街頭快閃舞蹈表演等活動),並加上一場在香港舉行的盛大「藝摯20周年匯演」,作為舞團與三地舞者預定在2018年暑假期間,到東歐表演的前瞻預演。所謂「藝摯」是香港的「藝摯歐洲民族舞蹈組」,正是謝宏璣、程婉琪夫婦倆長久在香港指導並成立的舞蹈表演團體。舞蹈組中的成員,絕大部分是他們在香港指導學校的孩子畢業後繼續聚會練舞的所在。香港在過去的英國統治時期,西方民俗舞一直是學校教育中的一環,所以,搭配每年的校際舞蹈比賽,許多香港的舞友們都各別在不同的學校中指導學生舞團,這也是香港在歐洲民俗表演舞蹈中能夠有著相當研究,在亞洲獨領風騷的原因。香港不乏歐洲民俗舞蹈專家,但謝宏璣、程婉琪夫婦則特别對匈牙利樂舞情有獨鍾。//
//The greatest thing in this performance is that the performers who jointly participated in those Hungarian dances got the opportunities to learn about and interact with other Asian dancers. I believe that those Hungarian dances originated from Hungary had been shared among people, it crossed beyond the fence of different races and the participation by persons in Asia was tied. During the Hungarian táncház on 5 November, I was able to take a look at the expressions from the Hungarian people who were very happy too. Well, the Japanese team had been highly praised by other countries and I felt it was different. Some members of Japan said that "I enjoyed dancing from the bottom of my heart." I was taught that there was something really important to be "enjoying from the bottom of the heart".//
Mr. Keizo Tonohara
//曾經在前年欣賞了小明老師帶領舞蹈團隊的演出,當時非常的震撼,不只是舞蹈的精釆,更多的是小明老師和夫人所付出的心血和努力。今年5月份舞展時得知小明老師的舞訊,我和學生們都非常高興。11月4日學生們終於得償夙願來到香港沙田大會堂,欣賞一場悸動人心的演出。舞者們嫻熟精湛的舞技,加上樂隊現場的完美演奏,與演唱者的天籟之音水乳交融,給我們帶來視覺與聽覺上精美絕倫的饗宴。學生大開眼界,不斷的表示: “完全沒看夠啊!”您們的表演簡直不能再棒了。我們全場目瞪口呆,感動到不行。//